Pg. Santa Madrona, 40-46
Pl. Margarida Xirgu, 1
08004 Barcelona
932 892 770
Lliure de Montjuïc
A causa de les obres de rehabilitació de les escales de l’edifici, l’accés a la Sala Fabià Puigserver del Teatre Lliure es fa pel Passeig de Sta Madrona. Les persones amb mobilitat reduïda poden accedir-hi des de la Plaça Margarida Xirgu.
Monday to Friday 09:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Saturday 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. Sunday 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.
How to get there
Fabià Puigserver
Opened in November 2001, the Sala Fabià Puigserver is equipped with the latest stage technology that updates the spirit of the Sala de Gràcia: total versatility in the layout of the stage space and in its relationship with the spectator.
Espai Lliure
Espai Lliure is a hall with a Greek cross floor plan, with four retractable tiers that allow for different stage and audience arrangements. Designed for small productions and rehearsals, the Espai Lliure makes possible an intimate contact of the spectator with the show.
El Lliure Restaurant
Make a reservation and come and enjoy our restaurant in a unique cultural environment.
La gavina
- ##general.period##:
- 03/10 - 03/11/24
- Montjuïc. Sala Fabià Puigserver
Sun & Sea
libretto Vaiva Grainytė
direction Rugilė Barzdžiukaitė
musical direction Lina Lapelytė
🎧 Playlist- ##general.period##:
- 12/10 - 23/10/22
- Montjuïc. Sala Fabià Puigserver
Finished show -
Catarina e a beleza de matar fascistas
created and directed by
Tiago Rodrigues
Teatro Nacional D. Maria II- ##general.period##:
- 21 and 22/12/22
- Montjuïc. Sala Fabià Puigserver
La voluntad de creer
written and directed
by Pablo Messiez
from Ordet by Kaj Munk- ##general.period##:
- 28/12/22 - 15/01/23
- Montjuïc. Sala Fabià Puigserver
observation - listening - recognition - judgment
- ##general.period##:
- 19/01 - 28/01/23
- Montjuïc
Tots eren fills meus
by Arthur Miller
direction David Selvas- ##general.period##:
- 22/02 - 26/03/23
- Montjuïc. Sala Fabià Puigserver
Lectura fácil
Ni amo, ni dios, ni marido, ni partido ni de fútbol
by Cristina Morales
adapted and directed by
Alberto San Juan- ##general.period##:
- 04/12 - 04/23/23
- Montjuïc. Sala Fabià Puigserver
Les amistats perilloses
by Pierre Choderlos de Laclos
adapted and directed by Carol López- ##general.period##:
- 18/05 – 18/06/23
- Montjuïc. Sala Fabià Puigserver